Disclaimer: " I am not an attorney. Any legal advice that I share, check with an attorney. I am not responsible for anything I say". Words like this I say in all my Long-Term Care CE classes.
Two vital documents are necessary in order for a loved one (family member or friend) to properly take care and act on your wishes they are : Durable Power of Attorney and a Medical Directive. Both are legal documents that allows a person of your choice to make the Financial/legal and Medical decisions if/when due to accident, illness or cognitive impairment you are not competent to decide. They may be included in a Will, or Living Trust.
A marriage license is not a valid document for this purpose. Insurance companies and financial planners are bound by privacy laws so therefore cannot discuss or execute with any other party without a durable power of attorney. Medical practitioners will continue to provide care unless you have executed and appointed a person, of your choice, to make these decisions.
A doctor wrote a one line letter "...this patient is not mentally competent to make her own financial decisions" Allowing my wife to take over her mothers finances and preserve what was left of her financial investments.
Later my mother in law was certified for Hospice Care. Because of the Medical Directive she was allowed to remain at our house and die with dignity with family at her bedside.
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